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Lyle Ronglien >> Two Hand Tapping >>

Two-Hand Tapping

Lesson 3

Lyle: Good evening class!

Lyle: I want to show you a few more tapping ideas today.

Lyle: First learn the chords of the jam track, then learn to tap out triads for each chord.

Lyle: Here's the jam track for the key of Am:

Lyle: Here's the chords used:

Lyle: To play a triad for each chord you need to know the root, 3rd, or flatted 3rd, and 5th degree for each chord.

Lyle: Simply play a scale for the chord and find the degrees. Here's the Am scale:

Lyle: Since it is a minor type of scale, the 3rd degree is flatted.

Lyle: The 3rd degree is 1 1/2 steps higher than the root.

Lyle: Learn the name of the three tones that make up the Am triad: A, C, and E. Then find them on the 1st string:

Lyle: Next you need to find the triad for the G chord. Here's the G mixolydian scale that goes with the G chord in this case:

Lyle: The three tones that make up the G triad are G, B, and D. Find them on the 1st string:

Lyle: The F scale in this progression would be the F Lydian:

Lyle: Here's how you can play the three tones that make up the F major triad:

Lyle: The final chord in the jam track is Em:

Lyle: E, G, and B make up the Em triad:

gtr: So the triads are simply the three important notes of the chord?

Lyle: Yes. When locating a place on a single string to tap out a triad, you don't have to have them in "root" position. Meaning you don't have to have the root on the bottom, 3rd in the middle, and the 5th on top. You can mix it up any way you want.

Lyle: Here's all four triads played with each chord from the jam track:

Lyle: Here's a video of me playing riff 1. Then notice I'll go into fast mode with the same riff:

dh: What is the best way to build up speed on the tapping?

JonR: practice a lot?

Lyle: Yes.

Lyle: Here's a riff that uses the Am pentatonic. This is just like one of the patterns I showed you in lesson 1 of this series:

JonR: If you were brought up on stage to play a song that you didn't know with chord changes like these, would you be able to figure out these triads quickly?

Lyle: Yes I think so. These are standard chord changes that I've played many times in the past.


Let's try this in the key of Em. Here's 4 new chords:

Lyle: Here's a jam track for Em:

Lyle: Now you'll learn the scales and triads that match each chord:

Lyle: This time let's try learning the triads on the 2nd string:

Lyle: For the D chord:

Lyle: The C:

Lyle: The 4th chord in the progression is B7:

Lyle: Put them all together like this:

Lyle: Here's the Em pentatonic pattern you can use for this progression too:

Lyle: That's all for this lesson.

Lyle: Learn about triads. Use them to tap out chords on any string.

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