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Understanding The Modes - part 4
lesson sample
Lyle: Here's your first jam
Sound Clip 1
Lyle: D9 is the chord
used in the jam track.
The D9 chord is in the same group as D7, which are called "dominant" chords.
They are built from the 1-3-5-b7. D9 is 1-3-5-b7-9. In the tab above, the 5th is left
Lyle: Who can tell me what mode would work
over this chord?
Don: D Mixolydian?
JerryO: Phrygian?
Lyle: D Mixolydian is
right! The Mixolydian mode is like a major
scale, but with a flatted 7th. 1-2-3-4-5-6-b7
Lyle: Here's another
Here's an example of how this mode sounds with the jam:
For many guitarists, they would just use the D minor pentatonic scale to come up
with licks. The advantage of using modes is it
forces you to explore new areas on the neck and develop a new sound for
yourself. Here's another example of the D
Notice that lick 2 isn't fast or hard to play, but it just sounds unlike
anything you might normally play using a pentatonic
Lyle: Pop Quiz.....What major scale does the D
Mixolydian belong to?
Tom: Dm?
Rhinosaur: G?
JerryO: G?
eddie: A?
eric: G?
Lyle: G is right!
Don: What are some ways to find my own new sounds?
Lyle: Don, play your licks and scales
backwards, in a completely different order than what you're used
Lyle: The Major key of G supports the D
mixolydian mode. So you can play the G major scale over
the jam too!
Here's a lick using the G major scale:
So, our jam is over a D9 chord which is the 5 chord in the key of G
major, you can use all the modes in the key of
G to solo or improvise with.
The 2nd mode in the key of G is the A Dorian minor mode:
It's just like playing the G major scale starting on the 2nd and ending on the
9th within the key of G, going from A to A within the G major scale.
Lyle: The 3rd mode in the key of G
Don: b
Lyle: Sharp class!
Yes, the B Phrygian
The 4th mode would be C Lydian, the 5th mode is our D
Mixolydian, the 6th mode is the E
Aeolian, and the 7th mode would be the F#
Mixolydian is the relative minor, right?
Lyle: Fletch, the 6th mode is the relative
minor, E Aeolian is the "relative" minor in the key of G major. Just count back
or down 3 frets from the major scale root to find it.
teach, there is a pattern to find the chord for any key?
Lyle: eric, yes,
Lyle: Take the notes of a major
scale, there will be 7 of them. Let's use G major
- G-A-B-C-D-E-F#. The formula or pattern to the chords
that harmonize with it is:
Maj-min-min-Maj-Dom-min-minb5. So in the key of G you have:
Let's change keys a little bit, here's a new jam track, same groove, but this time using two
chords: E7 and G7:
Looping Sound Clip 2
Lyle: Same rules as before, but two new keys
to move around with. You'll play an E mixolydian for 4 bars,
then G mixolydian for 4 bars, like this:
Ok, let's see if I can pull this next trick off. Load this jam track now:
Sound Clip 3
This jam track has the last tab file looped in it, the E and G mixolydian
modes. If you go up a 3rd inside each
mode, you can harmonize with the last jam track. Check out this tab file, it
will show you:
Here's an audio sample of where I'm going with this:
sample E7
to G7
Lyle: Here's a new jam track with 2 harmony guitar parts in it:
Looping Sound Clip 5
Lyle: So during this part, you are
playing in two keys, E7 which is the 5 chord of A and G7 - the 5 chord in
C. So you can play the respective Dorian modes over this jam:
Lyle: That's all
for this lesson. If you would like further study on this topic or any other
topic, email me at for info on how you can get your own customized guitar
lessons like this using Riff Interactive technology. Your private lessons can be
downloaded to your pc for anytime, anywhere study. I can even teach you how to
play your favorite songs! Thanks and see you at the next lesson. - Lyle
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