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Michael Johnson >> Rockabilly Legends >>
Lesson Subject: Rockabilly Legends
What you learn: Brian Setzer Rhythm Style
Teacher: Michael Johnson

Michael: This interactive lesson covers the style of Brian Setzer. In the early '80s, Setzer formed the Stray Cats, a rockabilly band that took England by storm, followed by a major U.S tour. The Stray Cats'  broke through the U.S. charts with Built for Speed, which spurred three Top Ten hits, which included "Stray Cat Strut," "Rumble in Brighton," and "Rock This Town." This is the first lesson of the series on Brian's style, here's what you'll learn:

1. Playing a I, IV, V in E
2. Playing rhythm patterns over a I, IV, V progression
3. Playing turnarounds
Sample the video of the rhythms you'll learn:

Michael: This is fun stuff! We'll cover first some progressions and then apply the scales and licks over the rhythm. Here's the first lick.

Michael: Here's a video of the picking technique.

Michael: Notice how I down pick the first E5 chord...  up pick... then back down. I also palm mute the strings. Let's try the next lick.

Michael: Here's the B7.

Michael: Now this section starts off with 2 pickup notes... and strums the B7 chord. You then slide up one half step and play the C7... Notice I mute the 2nd string on the C7:

 B7 Chord

 C7 Chord

Michael: I mute the 2nd string with my 3rd finger slightly resting on the 2nd string. Try some of these licks over the jam track, it's quit a chunk to put together, but fun stuff!

Gary: Is this considered 8 bar blues or 12 bar blues?

Michael: It's a 12 bar progression.

Michael: I just gave you a lick you can use over the progression. Notice the slight bend with your 2nd and 3rd fingers.

darntootin: A real feel thing!

Michael: Check out the next lessons on Brian's licks!

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