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Lesson Subject:
Jimmy Page Blues Rock |
What you learn:
Early Zeppelin Blues Style |
Teacher: Michael Johnson |
Michael: Hi class, our interactive lesson is on
Jimmy Page's early Led Zeppelin blues style. Jimmy borrowed all kinds of
signature blues progressions and used a hard rock tone, but it's basically the
same licks as the blues greats. Here's the lesson sample of what you'll
Lesson Sample
Michael: Let's get started, our main scale
is based on the A Minor Pentatonic
We'll use a standard blues progression for the jam track in
Looping Jam
Track 1 - 800k
Michael: Here's our
first lick.
Lick 1
Michael: Notice in the lick you start with
a bend, then jumping to a pull-off on the 2nd string from 8th to 5th frets. Towards the end you actually jump to a Maj 3rd note which sounds very
cool. It should be a Db, you can create some
very interesting patterns using that note (Maj 3rd) within a blues and
pentatonic pattern. This is signature to playing Page's early blues
Michael: I am playing live, I can send another
live clip, hold on.
Sound Clip
Michael: OK, let's move to
the next lick:
Lick 2
bah, 1 1/2 step bends
Yes Clapton, I use a 1 & 1/2 step bend. Here's how you can practice developing the 1 1/2 bend, try sliding from 10th
fret to 13th fret (2nd string), then try matching the note by bending in the
exercise below: This
next lick moves to the 2nd box position of the A min pentatonic scale.
Make sure
you practice over the jam track, try sliding from 10th to 13th, then take
the 10th fret and push the string up until you match the pitch of the 13th note
you played earlier. Here's the next lick:
Lick 3
Michael: Now this
lick is a combination of lick 1 & 2. They sound great together, our next
lick will use a 2 whole-step bend:
Lick 4
Michael: I love the
sound of these 2 whole-step bends. Jimi Hendrix use to use them all the
time. Jimmy Page was great at incorporating these bends in the blues. Albert King
was actually an early blues player that influenced JH and JP with his bending
ClaptonGilmour: two whole steps = four
drinky_crow: ouch, my fingers hurt from
Drinky, I know, but this will really help your overall bending style. Here's an exercise you can try as
It's basically the same exercise as the 1 1/2 step, remember to identify the
"pitch" first and then try using the bending technique. Try not to break your
string 8-) Let's try
another lick using the 2 whole-step
Lick 5
I developed my bends by practicing on an acoustic... it was painful, but
later I found playing heavy gauge on an electric became much easier. Its a
great practice technique. Another technique you can try is playing
all down picking. Page's style and aggressive attack was
due to playing his guitar down around his knees, forcing him to play all down
picks. Here's our next lick:
Lick 6
drinky_crow: Did he play
that low in the studio?
He sure does, I've seen pictures
of him playing the guitar that low in the studio. This lick uses the Maj 3rd note (Db) again.
See how it ascends down the scale pattern. You can
actually play an A (dom)7 add 11 arpeggio, it's the coolest sounding pattern!
Here's the pattern:
Here's the
fingering for that pattern.
Now let's try another lick using that pattern. This lick actually uses a
combination of the 1 1/2 bend, 2 whole-step bend and the A7 add 11
Lick 7
Michael: See how they all fit together, so what do you all think? do you think you can
sound like Jimmy Page now?
GilmourClapton: Sure, just gotta work on those bends
finn: I guess
i need a hard tail for those 1 1/2 bends. My tremolo keeps dropping down, making
it impossible to hit
Oh yeah, a tremolo system might throw off
your pitch.
GilmourClapton: finn, I can get the 1 1/2 bends ok on my
strat. I've heard some people put a piece of
wood under the trem to keep it from
Well time to go, see you next lesson!
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