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Teacher: Welocme to the lesson on the slide style
of Johnny Winter! Johnny is one of my favortie slide players, featuring dramatic
slide licks and awesome techniques. He was inspired by some of the great
Chicago blues players like Elmore James, Muddy Waters,... however Johnny as
well has inspired many contemporary blues slide players as well. Check out the
lesson sample of the licks you will learn:
Lesson Sample - Lowband - 708k
Lesson Sample -
Highband - 2.3 Meg
Clark: pleasant combo of
metal and blues
Teacher: Thanks Clark, Johnny is a rock AND
blues player, so he incorporates both of those styles to create
a unique sound.
Teacher: The opening licks start off with a
inprove slide solo in E .I had a great time creating this lesson and getting
back up on my slide chops 8-) Here's the first lick:
Part 1 -
Lick 1
Part 1 - Lick 1
This lick starts is basically in the E Minor Blues scale, in this case you start
in the 4th box pattern of the E Minor Pentatonic scale. Here's the
E Minor
Pentatonic - 4th Box Pattern
The 2nd phrase uses a descending slide in the box pattern and then playing open
notes on each string that are related to the main scale. The second half of the
lick jumps to the open E Minor Blues pattern playing a descending run, here's
the open E Minor Blues pattern:
E Minor Blues - Open Pattern
This next part brings use into a boogie rock 'n roll groove in E, here's the jam
track for the next few licks that are coming up:
Looping Jam
Track 1 - Lowband
Teacher: Here's the
first slide lick in E for this section:
Part 2 - Lick 1
Part 2 - Lick
This lick starts by sliding into the Major 3rd and then into 5th and root note
of a E Major Arpeggio, here's the E major arpeggio
E Major
I highlighted the notes of the E Major Arpeggio used in the lick. The second
half of the lick slides into the 2nd box pattern of the E Minor Pentatonic
E Minor
Pentatonic - 2nd Box Pattern
Here's the next lick in E.
Part 2 - Lick
Part 2 - Lick 2
Teacher: This lick
is very cool, you start in the first bar playing in the 2nd box of the E Minor
Pentatonic pattern, the 2nd phrase moves into the open position of the E Minor
Blues. The 3rd phrase of the lick plays over a C and then down to B. The last
4th and 5th bars uses the octave of the 2nd box of the E Minor Pentatonic,
here's the pattern.
E Minor Pentatonic - Octave 2nd Box Pattern
Teacher: OK, let's
jump to the next lick:
Part 2 - Lick 3
Part 2 - Lick
Teacher: There is a
lot going on in this lick, in bar one you slide into the 12th position of the E
Minor Pentatonic and then into the 4th box pattern. The 2nd box uses the octave
E Minor Pentatonic pattern on the 12th fret and then the licks moves back into
box 5. The 3rd bar uses the 2nd box pattern and then jumps into the open E Minor
Blues pattern with a descending run. Bar 4 uses a cool lick playing in the
open pattern of the E Minor Pentatonic and then jumps into a slide into the
octave on the 12th fret. Bar 5 follows the C and then down to B and then
you play a ascending intervals that are related to the scale pattern on the 1st
(E) and 2nd (B) strings.
Teacher: Let's move to the next section, for this
selection of licks you will be playing over a progression in A. Here's the jam
Looping Jam
Track 2 - Lowband
This is a very up tempo beat, here's the first slide lick in
Part 3 - Lick
Part 3 - Lick 1
Notice how our patterns shift when playing in A. The 1st bar of this lick starts
in the 4th box pattern of the A Minor Pentatonic scale. Here's the
A Minor
Pentatonic - 4th Box Pattern
The 2nd bar uses a descending run in the 5th box pattern of the A Minor
Pentatonic and including relative notes that you can play open. Here's hte
A Minor
Pentatonic - 5th Box Pattern
Here's the final lick:
Part 3 - Lick 2
Part 3 - Lick
Teacher: The final
lick uses a slide into the 12th fret and then moving into the 5th box pattern of
the A Minor Pentatonic pattern and then back to the 2nd box pattern. You repeat
playing in the 5th box pattern to resolve the lick.
Teacher: Thanks and see you next lesson!
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