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British Heavy Metal -
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden Lesson Sample
Riff A Looping
Teacher: This British Metal lesson is
on Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden self-titled debut in 1980 featured Adrian
Smith and Dave Murray on guitars and Steve Harris galloping away on bass. After
two album's with original vocalist Paul Di'Anno, Iron Maiden brought Bruce
Dickinson to the group for their landmark album 'Number of the Beast'. There
have been few Metal bands more influencial and commercially successful. Iron
Maiden has sold some 50 million records to date!
Teacher: Here is the first rhythm guitar
This is a signature Maiden rhythm, an eighth note follwed by two sixteenth
notes. A staple of most metal and many punk groups.
Teacher: The full power chord is held the entire
time. The part is brought out by the left hand. The chords are E5-E5-C5-D5 .
cly: What bands do you think Maiden
Teacher: Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, just about
any American metal band who has come out since. Even contemporary punk bands
like Weezer and Sum 41 will show off their classic Iron Maiden concert t-shirts.
Even sing about them.
Rhythm Chords

Teacher: Play the single notes on the 5th string
with 'palm muting'. Lift the hand to strum the power chord. Slow down the part
to practice.
Riff A
Teacher: On top of
that rhythm we will play the minor scale, in harmony. Another metal
tradition brought to prominence by Iron Maiden
This riff is a simple run up the E Minor Scale in 9th
Lick 1
Teacher: We have seen the
Minor Scale in each British Metal lesson to date. It is the most common sound in
this style
Teacher: What Iron Maiden's guitarists will often
do is have one play this main theme and the other 'harmonize' within the same
scale. Often staying the same distance apart throughout.
Lick 2
This is the same 'pattern' through the scale started on the 3rd note. This
harmony is called harmony '3rds'.
Video Clip
Teacher: Get together
with your favorite guitar playing friend and you get this sound. Or buy a
multi-track recorder and indulge your split
Lick 1+2 Harmonized
Teacher: Here is
the next riff, more harmonies. Using the same scale but creating a more exciting
Video Clip 1
Teacher: And again,
instead of merely doubling that, learn it in harmony. Not just up 3 frets but
keeping it within the 'parent' minor
Clip 1
Lick 3+4
Teacher: You can try this idea off other notes as
well. Maiden would sometime do this off the '5th' note of the scale, usually
below the main melody.
Teacher: Solo sections are lots of fun in Iron
Maiden songs. Often they will feature two guitar solos to let both Smith and
Murray shine.
Teacher: They will usually have each guitarist
solo over a different rhythm riff to further highlight each. And they introduce
new riffs much of the time for the
Teacher: Here is our first solo section rhythm
guitar part. The chords used are E5-D5-B5-C5.
Riff B
Riff B Looping
Riff B
Teacher: Again right out of the minor scale for
this part.
Teacher: The solos feature a mix of Minor Scale
and Minor Pentatonic scale for most licks. This first one uses 'trills' out of
the pentatonic.
Video Clip 1
Teacher: This run through the pentatonic is a
Dave Murray trademark.
Lick 6
Video Clip 1
Teacher: The vibrato at the end of Lick 6 is
done using the whammy bar.
Lick 7
Lick 7 is more of a Adrian Smith run.
Video Clip 1
Teacher: All E minor scale along the 1st string.
Smith used a similar idea to pen one of Iron Maiden's biggest hits "Wasted
Teacher: And the last lick of the
A 'unison bend' on the E note. Then picking both notes seperately as the bend is
slowly released for ear-catching effect.
Video Clip 1
Teacher: The other solo section feature a
modulation to the key of A minor.
Riff C
More power chords. A5-C5-F5-F5.
Riff C
Lick 9
This lick uses pulloff in a 3 note pattern in the A minor scale. All the notes
in this lick are in the E minor scale as well so it would work over either solo
Video Clip 1
Lick 10
This run is in the A minor scale again.
Video Clip 1
Teacher: Mostly pentatonic except the F note on
the 2nd string, 6th fret. Sort of 'Stairway to
Teacher: This Adrian Smith 'trill' lick adds a
note out of key, the F# at the 2nd string, 7th fret.
Video Clip 1
Teacher: This one
difference creates more of a Dorian mode run. The climb along the 1st string
uses notes common to both the minor scale and dorian
Teacher: This
lick uses a bar dive followed by a whole step bend on the 1st
Lick 12
Video Clip 1
And our last lick...
Teacher: Another Dave
Murray run.
Video Clip 1
Teacher: OK. Practice hard and enjoy this Iron Maiden
British Metal
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