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Wolf Marshall >> British Blues Rock >>

British Blues Rock - Tuesday - Week 3

Today's lick is a classic British blues-rock phrase. This line is played in G and takes place over a D-C-G progression, like the final section of a 12-bar blues sequence in G. String bending and vibrato are essential aspects of this lick. Note the wide vibrato and bends in bar one, and the half-step bends in measures two and three. This lick has several interesting melodic features. The basic melody is derived from the G Mixolydian Mode (G-A-B-C-D-E-F), however the non-scale tones B flat and F sharp are added judiciously in the course of the line. The sixth step E is emphasized in measure one. A characteristic Claptonesque three-note neighbor-tone figure (G-F#-G), which reinforces the tonic G, is exploited in measure three. All these elements are hallmarks of the British blues-rock guitar style of the late 1960s. The lick is again played with the Gibson Les Paul-Marshall combination which epitomizes the guitar tone of the genre.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick offguitar pick off
Key: G

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