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Wolf Marshall >> British Blues Rock >>

British Blues Rock - Wednesday - Week 5

Today's lick is an aggressive guitar phrase emblematic of the first heavy metal players pouring out of Britain in the early 1970s. This lick has a serious blues-rock pedigree emphasized by the pentatonic language and the riff-based approach used throughout. The lick is situated in the 9th position and exploits the C# Minor Pentatonic Scale (C#-E-F#-G#-B) exclusively. The riff in bars I-3 is made of a quick descending figure (C#-B-G#-F#) phrased in a rolling repeating pattern-which takes the contributions of blues guitarists like Buddy Guy and Otis Rush to new metallic heights. The concluding string bends and its typical "talking rhythm" are further allusions to the blues vernacular.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick offguitar pick off
Key: C# minor

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