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► Guitarists Influenced by Hendrix Michael Johnson Lesson Archives
Eric Gales, Vernon Reid, Uli Jon Roth, Mike McCready, Robin Trower, Frank Marino (Mahogany Rush), Randy California (Spirit)
Hendrix made a profound impact on many guitarists in the later part of the 20th century, after his death in 1970 many of these players continued to wave the Hendrix flag by morphing Jimi's techniques, licks and tricks into their own unique style. You will learn many licks, riffs and techniques in the style of each of these guitarists that will greatly enhance your playing as well, giving you a deeper understanding of the Hendrix sound and helping you to develop your own unique guitar style.
Robin Trower Style - Part 1
Robin Trower Style - Part 2
Frank Marino Style - Part 1
Frank Marino Style - Part 2
Randy California Style
Eric Gales Style
Vernon Reid Style - Riffs
Vernon Reid Style - Solos
Uli Jon Roth Style
Mike McCready Style
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