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► Acoustic Kentucky Bluegrass Michael Johnson Lick of the Day
In this lesson series you'll learn various acoustic strumming and picking patterns which synchronize to chord progressions and lick patterns. Intermediate & above players will benefit by learning how to improve their picking technique and create their own chord progressions. Beginners will benefit from learning many new picking patterns while using basic chords.

Bluegrass Info:
The Kentucky bluegrass sound originates from mandolin legend Bill Monroe (9/13/11 - 9/9/96) who is credited as being "the father of bluegrass." This lively, infectious sound is credited as being the roots of many genres of music, including Country/Western, Honky Tonk, Western Swing, Folk, Rockabilly and Rock & Roll.

23 Licks, 4 Interactive Lessons
Wednesday - Week 1
Thursday - Week 1
Friday - Week 1
Monday - Week 2
Tuesday - Week 2
Wednesday - Week 2
Thursday - Week 2
Friday - Week 2
Monday - Week 3
Tuesday - Week 3
Wednesday - Week 3
Thursday - Week 3
Friday - Week 3
Monday - Week 4
Tuesday - Week 4
Wednesday - Week 4
Thursday - Week 4
Friday - Week 4
Monday - Week 5
Tuesday - Week 5
Wednesday - Week 5
Thursday - Week 5
Friday - Week 5
Group Lesson - Week 1
Group Lesson - Week 2
Group Lesson - Week 3
Group Lesson - Week 4
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