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Jazz Connection - Friday - Week 2 |
Are you ready for "Jimi Hendrix meets Miles Davis?" Today's lick is a mixture of straight-ahead rock/blues and "outside jazz" pentatonics. The opening phrase is a classic blues riff starting with a whole-step bend from D to E on the B string. Another bend occurs on the G string (note #8, A to B). After the chromatic phrases on the G and B strings, we play a four-note Db and Bb major pentatonics followed by a G major triad. The lick finishes up with a E minor pentatonic. The lick sounds best over E minor jam track, but also works over E7. Lots of ways to pick this line. I alternate pick most of it, but might throw in a pull-off or two in a few places.
| Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
| Skill Level:     Key: E Minor