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Lyle Ronglien >> Guitarists Who Shaped the 80s >> |
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Guitarists Who Shaped the 80s - Thursday - Week 4 |
Today's example continues the theme from yesterday's Lick of the Day. We'll continue using the key of E minor as you ascend the neck quickly using hammer-ons and pull-offs. This is a great lick to expand playing outside of one position on the neck. This lick is built on half steps (F# to G, B to C) within the E minor scale starting at the lowest and ending at the highest part of the neck. Use the tempo control to slow down this lick if necessary so you can learn it note for note. Then play this lick back to back from yesterday's lick along to the jam track.
| Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
| Skill Level:     Key: E min