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Lyle Ronglien >> Speed Techniques >> |
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Today's Lick is another Tremolo Picking exercise using the same exotic scale as the previous exercise. This scale is called E double harmonic minor (1, b2, 3, 4, 5, b6, 7). Instead of playing the scale on a single string like in yesterday's lick, you'll be playing across 4 strings. This is the tough part, being able to keep the tremolo picking fast and smooth during your transition from string to string. Just like in yesterday's lick, anchor your right hand ring finger down to the pick guard area and keep your wrist in a locked position with your forearm. This helps keep your pick at the same distance from the strings while doing the Tremolo Picking technique.
Today's Lick is another Tremolo Picking exercise using the same exotic scale as the previous exercise. This scale is called E double harmonic minor (1, b2, 3, 4, 5, b6, 7). Instead of playing the scale on a single string like in yesterday's lick, you'll be playing across 4 strings. This is the tough part, being able to keep the tremolo picking fast and smooth during your transition from string to string. Just like in yesterday's lick, anchor your right hand ring finger down to the pick guard area and keep your wrist in a locked position with your forearm. This helps keep your pick at the same distance from the strings while doing the Tremolo Picking technique.