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Michael Johnson >> 70s Funk Blast >>

70s Funk Blast - Thursday - Week 1

Parliament/Funkadelic style
The guitarists for Parliament/Funkadelic would often play a counter rhythm and melody to the bass and drums. The orchestration of these rhythmic patterns produced a powerful percussive effect to the overall sound of the band while leaving space in the music for vocals and the soloists.

Today's lick is based on the 4th position of the E Minor Pentatonic pattern starting on the 7th fret. The lick starts on the open D, then playing a pull-off from the 7th fret to open position (3rd string) and immediately the 4th string (D) open. Notice that most of the notes of this lick are muted with the palm of your picking hand and many of them use a pull-off to the open strings. Contrasting the lick on Wednesday, the ending of this phrase plays a unison rhythm pattern to looping jam track.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick offguitar pick off
Key: E
Video: lick picking

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