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Michael Johnson >> 70s Funk Blast >>

70s Funk Blast - Tuesday - Week 3

Let's get down into a funk with today's riff. Played over Am7, the line combines single notes and a some chord punches. The singles notes could double what the bass plays or be contrary to it. It all depends on how the players work out their parts. Good funk guitar, bass and drum parts should fit together like a puzzle. I'm playing the line with lot's of "slop" sounding all the up and down strokes. Keep your left hand in position with your fingers deadening the strings. Add pressure on to the frets only on the actual notes. Jam Track 2 is a funk groove in Am with the bass playing a contrary line to our riff. Now get funky!. Check out the audio clip of the actual groove.

Learn this lick and practice with this jam track
Skill Level: guitar pick onguitar pick onguitar pick offguitar pick off
Key: E

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