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Teacher: Hello class, we have a very cool lesson
in the style of Robben Ford! Robben started his career playing many styles like
funk, jazz, fusion and later moved to the blues in his career which happened to
be his first love. Robben is also a 4 time Grammy Nominee and played
with some top musicians like George Harrison, Miles Davis, David Sanborn,
Michael McDonald and more! Listen to the lesson sample of what you will
Lesson Sample - Lowband - 900k
Lesson Sample -
Highband - 3 Meg
Teacher: Let's start of with the opening riff you
hear in the lesson sample:
Part 1 - Intro
Part 1 - Intro
The first riff starts with a C7, playing a chord with a slight hammer-on from a
Maj3 to a sus4 note, Here's the jam
Looping Jam
Track 1 - Lowband
The best method for playing this riff is to hole down the 1st finger on the 8th
fret - 1st string (C), hold the 4th finger on the 2nd string -11th fret (Bb) and
hammer from the 2nd finger to 3rd on the 3rd string. Let's jump to the
first rhythm pattern in C:
Part 1 - Rhythm 1
Part 1 - Rhythm
Teacher: This rhythm
pattern follows the bass line of this section, kind of a walking bass pattern in
C (I), then to F (IV) and to a Eb. Here's a jam track for the
Jam Track 1b - Lowband
This section kind of reminds me of an old blues standard that the Blues Brothers
would play. It's altered a bit from the standard I, IV, V. Let's play a few
lead licks over the rhythm, our first lick will use the C Minor Pentatonic scale
Part 1 -
Solo 1
Part 1 - Solo
This lick starts by sliding into the C Min Pentatonic scale pattern using your
1st finger on the 2nd string (B). you then play the 1st string (E) - 11th fret
with the 4th finger. Here's the C Minor Pentatonic scale that you are using
for most of this lick:
C Minor Pentatonic
Teacher: Now the second time around through the rhythm pattern you alter
the lick a little.
Part 1
- Solo 2
Part 1 - Solo 2
Teacher: Notice in
the last lick you move higher into the 2nd box pattern of the C Minor Pentatonic
C Minor Pentatonic - Box
1 & 2
Let's jump to another rhythm pattern using a funk pattern in
Part 2 - Rhythm
Part 2 - Rhythm
This rhythm uses a walking type run as well that follows the bass. You start in
E using a rhythmic pattern then move to G, A, C and then D to Eb. The Eb is a
transitional note that leads you back to the E (I) of the progression. Here's the
jam track:
Jam Track 2 - Lowband
The jam track will give you a better idea of the rhythm pattern. Now this
section reminds me of something Jeff Beck would play during his "Blow by Blow"
and "Wired" era. You can use blues licks over these lines that sound very cool
when all the parts are played together. Let's jump to a few of the melodic licks
that you can play over this rhythm. You use the E Minor Pentatonic scale pattern
for these licks.
Part 2 - Solo 1
Part 2 - Solo
You actually use the 5th E Minor box pattern, which is just before the main
E Minor
Pentatonic Box 1 & 5
Here's another lick:
Part 2 - Solo 2
Part 2 - Solo
This lick uses the E Minor Pentatonic pattern the runs horizontally across all
the box patterns.
Minor Pentatonic Scale
Here are more licks you can play:
Part 2 - Solo 3
Part 2 - Solo
this is an interesting series of licks, you play each grouping over the G, A, C
and D to Eb chord changes. Playing over chords like this can make basic licks
like this sound more melodic. The key when playing over the jam track is to
remember when to shift over the chord changes. Notice the intervals at the end
of the phrase how they play over the D and Eb using a rhythmic
pattern. Let's jump to the next section. For this next part you play a
standard blues riff using D.
Part 3 - Rhythm 1
Part 3 - Ryhthm
In this progression you start with D (I), then a walking line to A (V) and then
to G (IV). Here's a jam track you can practice over:
Looping Jam
Track 3 - Lowband
The riff basically follows the bass as well, this lays the rhythm for the solo
licks I will give you next in the D Minor Pentatonic.
Part 3 -
Solo 1
Part 3 - Solo
This lick starts in the 2nd box of the D Minor Pentatonic pattern and back to
box 1 of D. Here's the next lick:
Part 3 - Solo 2
Part 3 - Solo
Teacher: Here's the last
Part 3 - Solo 3
Part 3 - Solo 3
Thanks, well this end our lesson. Hope to see you all next
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